Getting rid of tobacco smell is not a very rewarding job. You might feel like you have spent several hours doing nothing but cleaning, but when you go back to the area where you worked, the smell is still there. Part of the problem with tobacco smell is that the particles in the smoke are so microscopic that they get in everywhere. They can even make it through filters that will stop most everything else. Tobacco smoke also leaves behind a film that is very sticky, and since it attaches to areas all over your home, turning on a light or an appliance that heats up will release the odor back into the air. Some try to use ozone to get rid of it, but there are differing opinions on the effectiveness of ozone for cleaning up tobacco odor, and handling ozone is very dangerous.

A thorough cleaning is a safer method, but more than likely, you will need to go back to the same areas over and over again until you notice a difference.